Survey Registration - Ground Game America

We want to know what you think! Ground Game America, LLC conducts surveys that measures public sentiment on past, current and upcoming topics and products.

We are always looking for people to participate in our simple one question polls that will be conducted at most once per week. You choose whether to receive surveys via email or text message. The data we collect be may be shared with media outlets and other interested parties. That is how we can put results to work influencing society and educating the public.

There are two rewards you get as a Ground Game participant. One is that you get to have you voice heard! Since our participants are a tiny fraction of the population, your voice has extra efficacy in our surveys. Additionally, two participants of each survey will win $5 gift cards at well-known establishments.

If you are interested, complete the form below and we'll get things going. An asterisk (*) denotes a mandatory field.



Receive surveys via text message?
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If you prefer to receive text messages,
check this box authorize messages.



Ground Game America, LLC. Public Opinion Research and Research Tools.


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